This website is based on the results and experience of researchers at the University Children's Hospital Zurich. The Reachout Cohort Studies (Research and Child Health OUTcome) was launched in 2004 under the direction of Prof. Dr. med. Bea Latal and Prof. Dr. Markus Landolt to investigate the development and quality of life of heart children through regular development controls and surveys. In 2009, this project was expanded to include the Heart & Brain Research Group under the joint leadership of Prof. Dr. med. Bea Latal and Prof. Dr. med. Walter Knirsch. Collaborations with foreign countries, such as the USA and Germany, have been added and expanded the spectrum of knowledge and experience.
Such studies can only be realized in an interdisciplinary and interprofessional team. This team includes in particular the staff of the Departments of Cardiac Surgery, Cardiac Anesthesia, Intensive Care Unit, Neonatology, and Image Diagnostics, the cardiologists in charge, pediatricians, psychologists, and physiotherapists.